If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. (Numbers 14:8)

About Nolan

Nolan Lewallen is a retired pilot of a major airline and lives near Stephenville, Texas, with his wife, Kim. Together, they have seven grown children and six grandchildren. Nolan’s greatest passions are the Bible, politics, and his Jewish roots. His two latest books, The Integration of Church & State: How We Transform “In God We Trust” From Motto to Reality and Yeshua is Still the King of the Jews are both by-products of those passions.
Nolan has appeared on several Christian television programs, including The Herman and Sharron Show (Christian Television Network), The Bridge (The Miracle Channel in Canada and the NRB channel in the United States), and The Harvest Show (LeSEA Broadcasting Network). Nolan’s other published works include Where’s My 100-Fold Return? A Troubleshooting Guide for the Discouraged Tither (2009), The Sports Edition of the Bible (1996), and The Cowboy Pictorial Edition of the Holy Bible (1981, no longer available).He is also a contributor on The Stream (stream.org) website.
About Kim
Kim Rhodenbaugh Lewallen is a former competitive swimmer who competed in the 1984
Olympics in Los Angeles in the 200 meter breaststroke. She continued to stay active in
swimming for nearly thirty years as a coach and an instructor. She is a motivational speaker,
writer, and the founder of Freedom Today, a non-profit organization focusing on bringing hope
and encouragement to sexual assault victims. Kim is the author of Master of the Mask and
writes in the Introduction, “I stepped out of the darkness of fear and shame and stepped into
the light of freedom that God had for me all along.” Her passion is to help other women
experience the freedom that God has for them.